Read Online Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books

By Cherie Park on Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Read Online Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books

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Download PDF Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books

Read Online Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books

"I am college student, and was looking for something short but also personal. "Trusting God Day by Day" offers a verse, a short summary, and a challenge for you to reflect on. I have only read about a months worth of devotionals, but this book seems to encourage tackling negativity and guilt. I highly recommend this book for someone who wants to work on becoming more positive and understand God's grace more intimately."

Product details

  • Hardcover 448 pages
  • Publisher FaithWords; 1 edition (November 13, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0446538582

Read Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books

Tags : Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions [Joyce Meyer] on . In her dynamic new devotional, TRUSTING GOD DAY BY DAY, international speaker and New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer provides you with powerful starting points for every day of the year. Each day's devotion is filled with practical advice and help from Joyce along with life-changing promises from God's Word that you can quickly and easily apply in your own life. The world wants you to place your trust in your circumstances,Joyce Meyer,Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions,FaithWords,0446538582,Christian Life - Devotional,Meditations,Meditations.,Trust in God - Christianity,Trust in God;Christianity;Meditations.,Trust;Religious aspects;Christianity;Meditations.,Religion Spirituality / Christianity,CHRISTIAN LIFE,Christian Life - Inspirational,Christian Life - Prayer,Christianity,General Adult,Inspirational/Devotional - Christian,Non-Fiction,Personal Christian testimony popular inspirational works,RELIGION / Christian Life / Devotional,RELIGION / Christian Living / Devotional,RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational,RELIGION / Christian Living / Prayer,RELIGION / Devotional,RELIGIOUS,Religion,Religion - Inspirational/Spirituality,Religion/Christian Living - Inspirational,Religion/Christian Living - Prayer,Religion/Ethics,Trust in God,United States

Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books Reviews :

Trusting God Day by Day 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer 9780446538589 Books Reviews

  • About a year ago, I purchased my first devotional because I wanted to build my relationship with God and I thought devotionals were a good way to start. I really enjoyed the ones I purchased then and came across this one a couple months ago when I started searching for other ones. I hadn't read anything by Joyce Meyer but had heard enough good things about her books so I decided to give it a chance.

    This devotional is perfect for the individual who wants to develop a deeper relationship with God by gradually trusting Him. Many times we think we know what's best but that isn't always the case (at least this is true for me). I have some areas in my life where I can't handle them alone so I decided to turn to God with them for some help. I've only had this devotional for a month and a half and it's helping me a lot already! I love how a lot of these devotionals are made for busy people who only have a few minutes to read one of these every day and that's enough to read them.

    The devotions are dated so I just started with the date when I got this in the mail. There are 365 devotions and it would be nice if there was a devotion for February 29th but you could remedy that by rereading a previous devotion or skipping ahead to a random one. Each day starts with a theme and a Bible verse that pertains to the devotion's theme, most of which are taken from The Amplified Bible, unless otherwise noted. Then the bulk of the devotion is Joyce's thoughts and evidence taken from the Bible about how we could change our attitude about casting our cares (October 9th), being a blessing to others (October 6th), and handling whatever life hands us (August 24th), just to name a few. Some of it is her life experience which really helps to put the devotion into perspective. Finally, the devotion ends with a "Trust in Him" section which gives some questions or statements to think about. I'd say each devotion takes no longer than two or three minutes to read, especially if you read it at a slower pace to digest it more.

    I purchased the hardcover edition since I like the idea of holding my devotionals. This one is beautiful and has a yellow rose set against a green weathered, hardwood backdrop. It has 437 pages and the book measures 5 1/4 inches by 7 1/4 inches by 1 3/8 inches. It's a good size so you can stick it in your purse, backpack, briefcase, or other piece of luggage. It isn't gender-specific like some devotionals so I feel both men and women could enjoy this devotional.

    I love how the devotions are always what I need to hear that day and it's always something I can work on. Optimally, I like to read this right when I wake up, before the chaos of the morning starts so I have time to think about what I've read. There have been times when I haven't gotten to read it until the afternoon and I'm agitated and a bit more irritable than usual so I strive to read it early in the morning. For me, this is a great mood-booster and it's helping me trust God more. I've only had it for a month and a half but I love it already and feel it's helping me a lot. I purchased a couple other devotionals by Joyce Meyer but this is the one I keep coming back to. I was excited enough to get it that I ordered one for my sister and she loves it too! If you are a busy person who wants to start (or continue) trusting God more and you want to read a daily devotional, this is a great option. It also makes a great gift and I highly recommend it!
  • I'm not a big reviewer unless I truly love the item. This devotional is the perfect length for a busy person and helps you view things differently when faced with difficult times. I recently purchased it because of a lack of trust for God due to suffering severe depression and anxiety for many years. I have read almost a months worth of devotions and really enjoy it. I find that it doesn't minimize your problems like some devotional can but it just helps you to see them from a different perspective. I will definitely be recommending this to others.
  • I am college student, and was looking for something short but also personal. "Trusting God Day by Day" offers a verse, a short summary, and a challenge for you to reflect on. I have only read about a months worth of devotionals, but this book seems to encourage tackling negativity and guilt. I highly recommend this book for someone who wants to work on becoming more positive and understand God's grace more intimately.
  • Im sorry, but I didn't care for it. The author used Scripture to describe day to day happenings and sometimes it seemed like she was really reaching. I know that the Bible can be referenced for almost anything that happens in life, but this book was filled with mediocre examples, in my opinion. I returned it.
  • Very basic and written in a light hearted format. I personally wanted something a little more in depth and to make me think a little more. This is more of a pep talk with scripture references.
  • I do love what Joyce Meyer says in this this book, however I have one complaint about it. All the Bible verses use the Amplified Bible version, which to me is very distracting with the parentheses and different interpretations within the quoted verse. It may seem like a small matter, but for a first thing in the morning meditation, I would prefer a straight NIV or NKJV verse.
  • I read this book/devotional everyday and I love it. When I am needing a "word from the Lord" God will give me a page number and I turn to that page and it gives me just what I need at the moment or for that day. So I rarely read it on "the day" that it is! I read it on "other days" that God gives me. It is a supernatural devotional. God speaks to me through these pages. It is so wonderful!!
  • Excellent! Down to earth devotionals reminding me that Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, not a church. Many churches do not address real life issues, Joyce Meyers reminds us that God meets us where we are; in our home, in our workplace, and through every second of our own lives, with our own real ups and downs. I've heard about trusting the Lord all my life but still felt I had to measure up . This Joyce Meyer book reminded me that God doesn't want m to fit in, he wants me to follow him! Thank you Joyce Meyers!