Download PDF The Total Fishing Manual Paperback Edition 317 Essential Fishing Skills Field Stream Joe Cermele 9781681882635 Books

By Cherie Park on Sunday, May 19, 2019

Download PDF The Total Fishing Manual Paperback Edition 317 Essential Fishing Skills Field Stream Joe Cermele 9781681882635 Books

Product details

  • Series Field & Stream
  • Paperback 256 pages
  • Publisher Weldon Owen; Reprint edition (April 25, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1681882639

The Total Fishing Manual Paperback Edition 317 Essential Fishing Skills Field Stream Joe Cermele 9781681882635 Books Reviews

  • My son has recently become obsessed with fishing, and I am rediscovering the fun of it after having not fished for decades. I was looking for a nice intro to the sport to refresh my memory, and bring my son into the fold. After a quick scan on I ordered this book based on the overall rating. It's nice, but not quite what I was looking for, and after a few minutes reading it I realized why. It's basically a collection of fishing related articles that probably appeared in Field & Stream at some point or another, loosely organized into a book. There's no real narrative thread, and a lot of pre-existing knowledge is required to get the most out of it. I'm planning on keeping it, because there's some useful stuff in it (e.g., how to make a worm farm) but I'm going to have to order another more basic intro guide to help ramp up our knowledge before we can get the most out of this. If you're looking for a "beginner's guide" type of book I would recommend looking elsewhere and then picking this up once you've got the basics down.
  • If you have been fishing a lifetime, this book probably won't offer much to learn. That being said, for the young adult or child, this makes a great read. One of the biggest deterrents to involving young people in fishing is having a skunk day where you catch nothing and miss out on one of the greatest experiences in life, landing a fish for the first time. With the tips and lessons in this book, you can make your way to the water with a little more confidence than before and you will catch more fish, which is the key to a lifetime of enjoyment of fishing. The broad spectrum of topics makes this a great introduction book, but there is so much more to cover than one book could provide. This is the starter for a lifetime of weekends in a kayak on a creek battling smallmouth and rock bass, or just a bucket of worms and bobbers for some farm pond bluegill. Start here and never stop fishing.
  • This book is just beautiful. I've purchased many books and most aren't in color and don't have nice thick pages or have illistrations on every page that keeps you entertained while reading like this book does. The book itself in terms of material just screams quality I would have loved to see a review specifying that fact I am quite surprised they did not charge more for this book but then again I might not have purchased it if they had. It has all the information I have always wondered about. If your like me and have ever been walking in a store in the sporting goods section and were thinking wow tons of lures I wonder how you would even use them or when to use them or how they would be effective or what works best trust me this book explains it all from building your own lures to store bought lures to various techniques. I have only glanced it over not read it through yet but I do believe they are missing a section for net fishing. Over all excellent because it teaches the novice alot.
  • Excellent book. It describes how to catch dozens of different species of freshwater fish (plus a few salt water species). It shows you how to tie knots, what type of bait to use, where to fish for each species, the best type of line and tackle to use, etc., etc. It contains dozens of photos of various fish along with photos of the best lures and baits to use for that particular fish. The descriptions and instructions are very easy to understand, and the color photos are superb. About 95% of the book involves freshwater fishing techniques. The other 5% dabbles in saltwater/inshore fishing. The paper is of high quality and the soft cover is very durable. This would make a great gift for anyone who mainly fishes in fresh water. It's a classy book that I like to keep on my coffee table.
  • I purchased this book for a Christmas present for my Brother-In-Law who enjoys Bass fishing. Well, really, fishing in general. As an avid fly fisherman myself, I read other reviews, and the product description and decided to purchase this for him. When it was delivered I spent a few moments combing through it to make sure I didn't just waste a money on something he'll never read. It was one of his favorite gifts, and he spent the entire time reading it Christmas day! Now I need to buy myself one )

    You can google all of the free information you want (trust me we have), but it's never going to be put together in such a perfect way as this book puts it together. The pictures are stunning, and the information contained is worth a read to any fisherman - even the pros! It sits nicely on a coffee table, and the book layout makes it so you don't feel obligated to read it cover to cover - although you'll find yourself doing just that because of just how great the book reads. You don't need to be a fisherman to find this book interesting to read, and it may just be the thing to get people you know interested in fishing.

    Both of us are now on pins and needles to wait for this upstate NY weather to warm up so we can put some of these skills we learned from this book out on the stream and catch some beauties!

    If you're reading this review, you're hesitating too much on purchasing it. Buy the book. Buy two - one for you and your fishing buddy. You won't regret it.
  • I didn't actually expect more. And honestly, there aren't a lot of good non-fly fishing books. While many techniques are the same, a lot of the books available are from the 70s and 80s and spend a lot of time discussing equipment of that era. So, this book certainly fills a gap in my library, and it is better than what I was forced to consider the previous best general use books (the idiots and dummies guides, though I would still recommend those as well). If you are a person who gets a lot of in-depth fishing technique info online, then this may not be the book for you. If you, like me, like to have reference books at home, then I think it may be a book for you. The main problem with the book is depth, everything is covered so lightly that it is like a sampler. If anything catches your eye you will likely have to look other places for an in-depth explanation of how to do it and how to adjust it to your choices of location and gear. There are other small issues. I would have rated it 3 stars if it were not for the fact that there isn't anything better.