Ebook Point of View A Fresh Look at Work Faith and Freedom Elisabeth Hasselbeck Candace Cameron Bure Books

By Cherie Park on Monday, May 20, 2019

Ebook Point of View A Fresh Look at Work Faith and Freedom Elisabeth Hasselbeck Candace Cameron Bure Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 224 pages
  • Publisher WaterBrook (March 26, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0525652760

Point of View A Fresh Look at Work Faith and Freedom Elisabeth Hasselbeck Candace Cameron Bure Books Reviews

  • While I thought the book would “spill some tea,” give some behind camera “goods” re The View; instead what I got was a book where nearly every 3rd word is God filled between with her 30-something year-old “grand wisdom”🙄, most of which sounds like she took notes during a lot of personal therapy sessions! Save your money, or buy a (new) bible!
  • I grew up watching Elisabeth on The View, so when she was releasing a book that wasn't about being gluten-free, I was all for it. The book provides an epic depiction of getting over the bumps in the road that life throws at you. From playing softball at Boston College and riding the bench every game, to debating Joy Behar every day on The View, Elisabeth chronicles how her faith in God has gotten her through it all. Whether you're a Christian or not, I'd highly recommend this book if you're looking for something to read that will brighten your day!
  • My wife bought this book. I saw it sitting out, so I read some. It's pretty bad. Wish I could say more. Here's a positive Elisabeth was cute when she was on Survivor like 20 yrs ago and nobody knew who she was.
  • With captivating storytelling and priceless wisdom, Elisabeth extends a warm and generous invitation into the fascinating life she’s lived and the God she loves. She is stunningly honest and raw about her successes AND her failures. You will finish this book feeling like you've gained a new friend. Her genuine desire to wholeheartedly love and serve the people God puts in her path will inspire you to passionately pursue a grace-full point of view in your own relationships. A phenomenal book written by a phenomenal woman!
  • This book was inspiring from the very first chapter, I love this book!
  • I loved her the best on the View etc....but it is not a tell all. It tells very little on a personal level and about the view etc or Fox and Friends or Survivor......It is a great book about trusting and living your life trusting God...if I was raising my four kids all over again I would love this book!
  • I thought the book was incredibly well written. The way she is able to take the reader through her journey is remarkable. As a mom of two myself I found myself highlighting sections of the book of things I want to do with my girls as well. Thank you for sharing your gift Elizabeth! God bless!
  • This book is so touching, I learned so much from it and enjoyed it. I couldn’t put it down. Gave me so much to think about.
More aboutEbook Point of View A Fresh Look at Work Faith and Freedom Elisabeth Hasselbeck Candace Cameron Bure Books

Ebook The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

By Cherie Park

Ebook The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

Download As PDF : The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

Download PDF The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

What is life? For generations, scientists have struggled to make sense of this fundamental question, for life really does look like magic even a humble bacterium accomplishes things so dazzling that no human engineer can match it. Huge advances in molecular biology over the past few decades have served only to deepen the mystery.

In this penetrating and wide-ranging book, world-renowned physicist and science communicator Paul Davies searches for answers in a field so new and fast-moving that it lacks a name; it is a domain where biology, computing, logic, chemistry, quantum physics, and nanotechnology intersect. At the heart of these diverse fields, Davies explains, is the concept of information a quantity which has the power to unify biology with physics, transform technology and medicine, and force us to fundamentally reconsider what it means to be alive—even illuminating the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe.

From life’s murky origins to the microscopic engines that run the cells of our bodies, The Demon in the Machine journeys across an astounding landscape of cutting-edge science. Weaving together cancer and consciousness, two-headed worms and bird navigation, Davies reveals how biological organisms garner and process information to conjure order out of chaos, opening a window onto the secret of life itself.

Ebook The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

"The story of life from an information POV"

Product details

  • Hardcover 272 pages
  • Publisher University of Chicago Press; First edition (October 25, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 022666970X

Read The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

Tags : Buy The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders,Paul Davies,The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life,University of Chicago Press,022666970X,Information theory in biology,Life (Biology),Life - Origin,Non-Fiction,SCIENCE / Cognitive Science,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / General,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Neuroscience,SCIENCE / Physics / General,Science/Cognitive Science,Science/Life Sciences - Evolution,Science/Math,Science/Physics - General,UNIVERSITY PRESS

The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books Reviews :

The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books Reviews

  • The story of life from an information POV
More aboutEbook The Demon in the Machine How Hidden Webs of Information Are Solving the Mystery of Life Paul Davies 9780226669700 Books

Download PDF Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks

By Cherie Park

Download PDF Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks

Download As PDF : Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks

Download PDF Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition  edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks

Dans ce petit roman on trouve une description de la vie et du monde dans lequel vit la jeune élève Agatha. Depuis une jeune age les adolescents sont confrontés à des scènes des combats dans les rues, on vend des stupéfiants à côté d'eux. Les scénarios ne sont pas inventés mais font partie de la réalité.

Download PDF Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 3816 KB
  • Print Length 17 pages
  • Publication Date March 8, 2019
  • Language French

Read Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition  edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks

Tags : Voulez-vous un reçu? (French Edition) - edition by Emilia Genadieva. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Voulez-vous un reçu? (French Edition).,ebook,Emilia Genadieva,Voulez-vous un reçu? (French Edition),Juvenile Fiction / Short Stories,Fiction / Short Stories

Voulezvous un reçu? French Edition edition by Emilia Genadieva Children eBooks Reviews :

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Read Online Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

By Cherie Park

Read Online Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

Download As PDF : Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

Download PDF Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

The New York Times best seller that changed the way millions communicate is now available in audio.

Perhaps once a decade, a book comes along that transforms people's lives in a very real, measurable way. This is one of them.

Crucial Conversations exploded onto the scene 10 years ago and revolutionized the way people communicate when stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. Since then, millions of people have learned how to hold effective crucial conversations and have dramatically improved their lives and careers thanks to the methods outlined in this book.

Now, the authors have revised their best-selling classic to provide even more ways to help you take the lead in any tough conversation

  • New firsthand accounts of how these skills changed readers' lives
  • New case studies showing how business leaders successfully applied these methods to achieve results
  • New links to videos teaching what to do and what to avoid during crucial conversations
  • New research findings offering fresh insights for applying the skills taught in the book

Crucial Conversations is filled with practical advice you can start using today

  • Prepare for high-stakes conversations
  • Make it safe to talk about almost anything
  • Transform unpleasant emotions into powerful dialogue
  • Be persuasive, not abrasive

Crucial Conversations gets you past the hard parts of dialogue and helps you achieve relationships that are real, productive, and that will enrich your life and career.

Read Online Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

"Excellent! One of the most life-changing books I've ever read (and I'm a voracious reader). What you'll learn in this book applies to your personal and professional life. As a woman, I wish I would have read this book years ago. I would have been better prepared to ask for promotions and been a better listener as a mother. I've purchased 7 books as gifts for college-aged kids. I wish I would have known about this book years ago. It's a book that you can re-read many times and still gain tips to help you through crucial conversations."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 6 hours and 27 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher McGraw-Hill Education
  • Audible.com Release Date January 1, 2012
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B009S8GO14

Read Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

Tags : Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition (Audible Audio Edition) Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, McGraw-Hill Education Books, ,Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, McGraw-Hill Education,Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition,McGraw-Hill Education,B009S8GO14

Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books Reviews :

Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books Reviews

  • Conversations move life forward. They can also stop things from moving forward. Relationships end on conversations and begin. Teams are formed and broken apart. Goals are made, expectations laid out, visions happen, all around conversations.

    Feelings get hurt in conversations, lies are told, deception, betrayal, all of these can happen in conversations.

    Enter the book Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High. I heard Joseph Grenny, one of the authors speak on this topic recently at the leadership summit and got a lot out of his session.

    All of us know the feeling of this kind of conversation and we know that this is where life changes.

    Here are 10 things I got from the book that I have found helpful in my life and leadership

    1. When we face crucial conversations, we can do one of three things We can avoid them, We can face them and handle them poorly, or We can face them and handle them well. At the heart of almost all chronic problems in our organizations, our teams, and our relationships lie crucial conversations—ones that we’re either not holding or not holding well. Christians and church staffs are notorious for avoiding crucial conversations. This is why churches often split, people leave hurt and visions never move forward. Instead of doing the hard work in a conversation, they are avoided. When in reality, because of what is at stake (salvation) and because of the calling of Jesus, we should do a better job of having crucial conversations.
    2. Individuals who are the most influential—who can get things done and at the same time build on relationships—are those who master their crucial conversations. We all know this to be true. If you aren't very good at dialogue, you sit back in wonder at those who are. They are able to gain more influence, get more done and people want to be on their team and a part of what they are doing. This is why raising the value of this skill and getting better at it matters so much. Things move forward or stop around conversations.
    3. The mistake most of us make in our crucial conversations is we believe that we have to choose between telling the truth and keeping a friend. Grenny said this at the summit and it grabbed my attention. This is one of, if not the main reason, most conversations stop and things do not move forward. Fear. Fear of a relationship ending, something stopping, getting fired or hurting someone. Yet, if we don't tell the truth, we often can't be a friend.
    4. People rarely become defensive simply because of what you’re saying. They only become defensive when they no longer feel safe. The problem is not the content of your message, but the condition of the conversation. If you are a boss and want honest feedback and conversation, people can't fear for their jobs or that you will yell at them. Recently, there has been a lot of writing online about pastors abusing people, creating a culture of fear, yelling at staff members, elders and volunteers and it blows my mind. If you are known for that as a pastor, you should be embarrassed.
    5. Be careful not to apologize for your views. This can be easy to do and it often happens as a way to soften your opinion or the blow in a conversation, but you shouldn't apologize for what you think. It is what you think. It might be hard or unpopular to say, but don't shy away from it. You may be wise to change how you phrase it, but always be willing to share what you think in a conversation.
    6. One of the ironies of dialogue is that, when talking with those holding opposing opinions, the more convinced and forceful you act, the more resistant others become. I done this very easily in the past. Yet, this practice keeps people from buying in and helping to make something happen. When we do this, we don't understand why people aren't on board. The reason is the harder we push our way, the harder they push their way.
    7. Speaking in absolute and overstated terms does not increase your influence, it decreases it. The converse is also true—the more tentatively you speak, the more open people become to your opinions. The more harshly we speak or the more we give the impression that there is only one way, the less likely it becomes that people will speak up. Now, on issues like vision, it must be clear and have agreement. But, in conversations, if we give the impression that something has been decided or that we aren't open to suggestions, we will kill discussion.
    8. When we feel the need to push our ideas on others, it’s generally because we believe we’re right and everyone else is wrong. This is another way the previous one. If you find yourself pushing your ideas, you aren't having a good dialogue and instead are simply giving out orders. That may be your leadership style, but it won't accomplish a healthy team environment and in the end, your church or business will never reach its full potential.
    9. The more you care about an issue, the less likely you are to be on your best behavior. As a leader or a person in a relationship, you must learn this well. This was an eye opening insight for me. I get very passionate about things, as most people do, and when I do, I can shut down dialogue and end up hurting people. We do this, often unintentionally because we care about something, because we believe we are right and have the only way forward.
    10. The fuzzier the expectations, the higher the likelihood of disappointment. When a crucial conversation ends, there must be clear expectations and guidance moving forward. It cannot be fuzzy or gray. Otherwise, a conversation has not ended, it is simply on pause.
    All in all, this was an incredibly helpful book. Some of it covered things I already knew but showed some helpful insights. I've already seen a change in some of my conversations with leaders at my church and in my family through this book. Definitely one I'd recommend.
  • Excellent! One of the most life-changing books I've ever read (and I'm a voracious reader). What you'll learn in this book applies to your personal and professional life. As a woman, I wish I would have read this book years ago. I would have been better prepared to ask for promotions and been a better listener as a mother. I've purchased 7 books as gifts for college-aged kids. I wish I would have known about this book years ago. It's a book that you can re-read many times and still gain tips to help you through crucial conversations.
  • I ordered this book because it seemed useful and I could see one of my friends behaving differently. I bought this in mind that a big storm was coming. I have made mistakes during emotionally charged conversations/arguments before and didn't want to go down the same path again. Not too soon after I purchased it, that friend brought the storm.

    I took my time to read this and skim over it again before I entered the conversation because I didn't want to go in feeling attacked, defensive, or angry. I wanted to know how I could handle things. I didn't want to talk and head into a storm in the first place, but reading this book helped me feel less apprehensive about talking. I didn't want to go in ready to fight, I took my time talking on my own terms because I didn't want to lose my friend while feeling hot-headed. I explained my intentions on why I took long to not give off the impression that I didn't care.

    The book took me about 6 hours to read but I didn't really count. I flagged many pages to the point when I almost ran out of flags. There were very few parts I skipped towards the end (of examples/possible scenarios that I didn't think related to me), but most of the book seemed very relevant. The many examples helped. I think as a reader it helps to take written/typed notes of your own as you go, but I did not take much (I will though).

    When I felt I was ready to talk, I went in. I tried utilizing what I remembered. I did look at the smaller details to address them and tried not playing "trivia pursuit" on things that that were brought up. I got more of my friend's perspective. After we talked about our concerns, we found our misunderstandings and similarities regarding situations, as well as our viewpoints on both. I also brought up some possible agreements on how to avoid disrespecting each other in the future and if we did, the topic is left open so we can revisit our misunderstandings or perspectives again without making an ultimatum and to communicate more healthily if we think something is off between us. I didn't want to just get things off our chest, I wanted to make it easier for us to communicate in a similar manner (finding solutions) in the future. I wouldn't have gotten to this point if it weren't for this book. I honestly was prepared to lose a friend and in that scenario, none of us wins because we learned nothing about ourselves and others, we only saw our own viewpoints. By the end of our conversation, my friend seemed satisfied. We both have our similarities, though we handled things differently, this book played a part in bringing things up to light and how to go about it.

    There are other things I am going to work on tackling, such as things in the workplace and not in my personal life and hope it turns out okay for everyone too.

    I only read this once and skimmed it once after that, yet it helped me get this far. I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to get better at such conversations and arguments. It's worth rereading, not a read-once-and-drop-it kind of book.
  • I struggle with communicating effectively. As I considered my professional development plan for the year, I knew this was an area I wanted to focus on. I learned about Crucial Conversations from SHRM and decided to make it a first step. I'm glad I did.

    The book is chock full of good ideas on ways to communicate more effectively when it really counts. The authors provide great tips to illustrate the principles and make them real. There are no shockers here. Everything is pretty common sense and yet, it took this book for me to put them together.

    I have already used the principles I learned in the book in crucial conversations both at home and work. I've certainly not mastered the art yet, but I do feel more prepared and a bit less anxious in these high impact situations. I look forward to continuing to practice and improve over time.

    If your life requires that you interact with others, this book is for you!
More aboutRead Online Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Second Edition Audible Audio Edition Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny McGrawHill Education Books

Ebook Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books

By Cherie Park

Ebook Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books

Download As PDF : Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books

Download PDF Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books

An anthropologist uses spelling bees as a lens to examine the unique and diverse traits of Generation Z--and why they are destined for success

At first glance, Generation Z (youth born after 1997) seems to be made up of anxious overachievers, hounded by Tiger Moms and constantly tracked on social media. One would think that competitors in the National Spelling Bee -- the most popular brain sport in America -- would be the worst off. Counterintuitively, anthropologist Shalini Shankar argues that, far from being simply overstressed and overscheduled, Gen Z spelling bee competitors are learning crucial twenty-first-century skills from their high-powered lives, displaying a sophisticated understanding of self-promotion, self-direction, and social mobility. Drawing on original ethnographic research, including interviews with participants, judges, and parents, Shankar examines the outsize impact of immigrant parents and explains why Gen Z kids are on a path to success.

Ebook Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books


Product details

  • Hardcover 336 pages
  • Publisher Basic Books (April 30, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 046509452X

Read Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books

Tags : Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z's New Path to Success (9780465094523) Shalini Shankar Books,Shalini Shankar,Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z's New Path to Success,Basic Books,046509452X,Achievement motivation in children,Generation Z,Generation Z.,Performance in children,Spelling bees - Social aspects,Spelling bees;Social aspects.,Success in children,Success in children.,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Education,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General,GENERAL,General Adult,Language Arts Disciplines/Spelling Vocabulary,Multicultural,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Immigration,Political Science/Public Policy - Immigration,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Children's Studies,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / Asian American Studies,SPORTS RECREATION / Children's Youth Sports,Social Science/Anthropology - Cultural Social,Social Science/Demography,Social Science/Ethnic Studies - Asian American Studies,Sociology,Sports Recreation/Children's Youth Sports,United States,books on spelling bees; books on spelling; spellebrity; Spellbound; Nupur Lala; David Lewandowski; Vinay Krupade; Scripps National Spelling Bee; ESPN; Millennial; Generation Z; Tiger Mom; Helicopter Parent; Digital Native; grit; South Asian Spelling Bee; North South Foundation; Rebecca Sealfon

Beeline What Spelling Bees Reveal About Generation Z New Path to Success Shalini Shankar Books Reviews :

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Download Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars

By Cherie Park

Download Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars

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Download PDF Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars

Love Outraged is a guide book for those who are disenchanted by the limitations of more superficial approaches to emotional and spiritual development. Rather than bypassing our character faults and inner conflicts by simply using positive intention, affirmations, and visualizations, Dr. Sollars provides a depth psychological model of spiritual transformation aimed at changing our very darkness and shadow elements within to positive outgoing emanations of expression from the core of our being. Sollars takes us on a Dante-like adventure from the depth of our souls to finally discover the way back through darkness and the liberation of our positive, loving, and ecstatic qualities of the soul. Love Outraged's depth approach to transformation offers numerous specific techniques, practices, meditations, Q's and A's, and real case examples that illuminate the path to the liberation of that which is most loving, ecstatic, healing, and sacred within us - Our Core Self.

Download Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars

"Great book!! I would highly recommend it!
A wonderful contribution to the psychology literature."

Product details

  • File Size 435 KB
  • Print Length 182 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher University Professors Press (March 26, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 26, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07NRYH689

Read Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars

Tags : Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars ,ebook,Franklin Sollars,Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self,University Professors Press,Psychology / Movements / Psychoanalysis,Psychology / Movements / Humanistic

Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars Reviews :

Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars Reviews

  • Love Outraged fills a crucial gap in the current psychology literature. In it, Dr. Sollars addresses a crucial divide in the practice of psychotherapy. Do we, as clinicians, encourage our clients to delve deep into the psyche, often into dark places, in order to truly heal? Or do we cave to pop psychology and offer only a bandage for the festering wound? Truly a welcome reminder of the importance of going deep, in an increasingly superficial world.
  • Dr. Sollars explains his theory of counseling and psychotherapy and describes its application through concise easy-to-understand examples. The book presents a view of human behavior and experience that is helpful and uplifting. People who are interested in treating, or who are dealing with, emotional problems would be benefitted by studying this book.
  • This is a book that can transform both the reader and the clinician, encouraging a deeper examination of the psyche. It is a wonderful contribution that encourages going into the innermost beliefs, addressing feelings that are so often neglected. It can help bring breakthroughs in clients that are struggling.
  • Readable, useful, helpful, sensible, and practical.
  • This is a fantastic book. Dr. Sollars provides incredible insight and techniques that are just spectacular. This book is an amazing read, and I would recommend it to anyone.
  • Love Outraged is a wonderful contribution to the literature that blends psychoanalytic, humanistic, and existential psychology.
  • A phenomenal read! A wonderful and readable book that allows us to love more fully
  • Great book!! I would highly recommend it!
    A wonderful contribution to the psychology literature.
More aboutDownload Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self eBook Franklin Sollars

Download The Arctic What Everyone Needs to Know® Klaus Dodds Mark Nuttall Books

By Cherie Park

Download The Arctic What Everyone Needs to Know® Klaus Dodds Mark Nuttall Books

Product details

  • Series What Everyone Needs To Know®
  • Paperback 272 pages
  • Publisher Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (June 20, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0190649801

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Read Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books

By Cherie Park on Sunday, May 19, 2019

Read Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books

Download As PDF : Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books

Download PDF Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O&#39Reilly Martin Dugard  contributor Macmillan Audio Books

Confronting Nazi evil is the subject of the latest installment in the mega-best-selling Killing series.

As the true horrors of the Third Reich began to be exposed immediately after World War II, the Nazi war criminals who committed genocide went on the run. A few were swiftly caught, including the notorious SS leader Heinrich Himmler. Others, however, evaded capture through a sophisticated Nazi organization designed to hide them. Among those war criminals were Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death" who performed hideous medical experiments at Auschwitz; Martin Bormann, Hitler's brutal personal secretary; Klaus Barbie, the cruel "Butcher of Lyon"; and perhaps the most awful Nazi of all Adolf Eichmann. 

Killing the SS is the epic saga of the espionage and daring waged by self-styled "Nazi hunters". This determined and disparate group included a French husband and wife team, an American lawyer who served in the army on D-Day, a German prosecutor who had signed an oath to the Nazi Party, Israeli Mossad agents, and a death camp survivor. Over decades, these men and women scoured the world, tracking down the SS fugitives and bringing them to justice, which often meant death. 

Written in the fast-paced style of the Killing series, Killing the SS will educate and stun the listener. The final chapter is truly shocking.

Read Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books

"Friends of mine know me to be a left-of-center democrat. Definitely not a reliable conservative or republican voter. Thus, they might be surprised at my response to this invaluable educational resource that NEEDS to be used widespread in our educational system.

Just a month ago, Bob Woodward’s book on Trump was released despite a furious Presidential uproar. Now, Bill O’Reilly’s book, released two days ago, focuses attention on the hunt for war criminals following the end of World War 2. Mind you, I, and most of my generation witnessed aspects of the events portrayed in this book, either up close, or from afar. Still, it is an invaluable reminder of what happened after the brutal murders of so many innocent Jewish people and other people due to racial, ethnic and religious hatred and persecution.

I’ve not yet read other O’Reilly books, but will make a point of doing so in the future. Not because I am a political devotee, but because I appreciate his sense of history and style of presentation. I think I would have loved being a student of his, despite our political differences.

BLUSH FACTOR: I came across no profanities. Further, this is a terrific book to read aloud in your prayer group, or to (or with) your children and your elders.


‘…In a classic courtroom Q and A, James Heath destroys the SS killer:

OHLENDORF: The Jews were collected at one place; and from there they were later transported to the place of execution, which was, as a rule, an antitank ditch or a natural excavation. The executions were carried out in a military manner, by firing squads under command.

PROSECUTOR: In what way were they transported to the place of execution?

OHLENDORF: They were transported to the place of execution in trucks, always only as many as could be executed immediately. In this way it was attempted to keep the span of time from the moment in which the victims knew what was about to happen to them until the time of their actual execution as short as possible.

PROSECUTOR: Was that your idea?


PROSECUTOR: And after they were shot what was done with the bodies?

OHLENDORF: The bodies were buried in the antitank ditch or excavation.

PROSECUTOR: What determination, if any, was made as to whether the persons were actually dead?

OHLENDORF: The unit leaders or the firing-squad commanders had orders to see to this and, if need be, finish them off themselves.

PROSECUTOR: And who would do that?

OHLENDORF: Either the unit leader himself or somebody designated by him.

PROSECUTOR: In what positions were the victims shot?

OHLENDORF: Standing or kneeling.

PROSECUTOR NIKTCHENKO: In your testimony you said that the Einsatz group had the object of annihilating the Jews and the commissars, is that correct?


PROSECUTOR: And in what category did you consider the children? For what reasons were the children massacred?

OHLENDORF: The order was that the Jewish population should be totally exterminated.

PROSECUTOR: Including the children?


Benny Ferencz listens to the responses, baffled by Ohlendorf’s arrogance. “He told his men never to use infants for target practice nor smash their heads against a tree. He ordered his men to allow the mother to hold her infant to her breast and to aim for her heart. That would avoid screaming and would allow the shooter to kill both mother and infant with one bullet. It saved ammunition.

“Ohlendorf said he refused to use the gas vans that were assigned to his companies. He found that when the mobile killing vehicles arrived at their destination, where they were supposed to dump their asphyxiated human cargo into a waiting ditch, some of the captives were still alive and had to be unloaded by hand. His troops had to dig out the vomit and excrement—and that was very hard on his men.”

Most unforgettable among Ohlendorf’s offensive comments was that each murder was an act of self-defense.

O'Reilly, Bill. Killing the SS: The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History (Bill O'Reilly's Killing Series) (Kindle Locations 487-520). Henry Holt and Co.. Kindle Edition.


How thorough and how powerful is this work by O’Reilly? Because of him, I spent another $8.99 to get a book mention by him: Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile.” Regardless of your political sentiment, you NEED to read Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing the SS.” Better yet, add the Audible edition to your library. I wish the publisher would make the book and its Audible edition available to middle schools across the country for the maximum possible impact of this historical work upon our youth.

Five stars out of five.

I am striving to produce reviews that help you find books that you want, or avoid books that you wish to avoid. With your help, my improvement will help you and me improve book reviews on Amazon. Together, you and I can build a great customer review process that helps everybody. Will you join me? It is people such as you who have helped me improve over the years. I'm still learning, and I have a great deal yet to learn. With your help, I'll improve every day.

One request: Be respectful and courteous in your comments and emails to me. I will do likewise with you.

Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 7 hours and 24 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Macmillan Audio
  • Audible.com Release Date October 9, 2018
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B07CT429Z2

Read Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O&#39Reilly Martin Dugard  contributor Macmillan Audio Books

Tags : Killing the SS (Audible Audio Edition) Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard - contributor, Macmillan Audio Books, ,Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard - contributor, Macmillan Audio,Killing the SS,Macmillan Audio,B07CT429Z2

Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books Reviews :

Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books Reviews

  • Friends of mine know me to be a left-of-center democrat. Definitely not a reliable conservative or republican voter. Thus, they might be surprised at my response to this invaluable educational resource that NEEDS to be used widespread in our educational system.

    Just a month ago, Bob Woodward’s book on Trump was released despite a furious Presidential uproar. Now, Bill O’Reilly’s book, released two days ago, focuses attention on the hunt for war criminals following the end of World War 2. Mind you, I, and most of my generation witnessed aspects of the events portrayed in this book, either up close, or from afar. Still, it is an invaluable reminder of what happened after the brutal murders of so many innocent Jewish people and other people due to racial, ethnic and religious hatred and persecution.

    I’ve not yet read other O’Reilly books, but will make a point of doing so in the future. Not because I am a political devotee, but because I appreciate his sense of history and style of presentation. I think I would have loved being a student of his, despite our political differences.

    BLUSH FACTOR I came across no profanities. Further, this is a terrific book to read aloud in your prayer group, or to (or with) your children and your elders.


    ‘…In a classic courtroom Q and A, James Heath destroys the SS killer

    OHLENDORF The Jews were collected at one place; and from there they were later transported to the place of execution, which was, as a rule, an antitank ditch or a natural excavation. The executions were carried out in a military manner, by firing squads under command.

    PROSECUTOR In what way were they transported to the place of execution?

    OHLENDORF They were transported to the place of execution in trucks, always only as many as could be executed immediately. In this way it was attempted to keep the span of time from the moment in which the victims knew what was about to happen to them until the time of their actual execution as short as possible.

    PROSECUTOR Was that your idea?


    PROSECUTOR And after they were shot what was done with the bodies?

    OHLENDORF The bodies were buried in the antitank ditch or excavation.

    PROSECUTOR What determination, if any, was made as to whether the persons were actually dead?

    OHLENDORF The unit leaders or the firing-squad commanders had orders to see to this and, if need be, finish them off themselves.

    PROSECUTOR And who would do that?

    OHLENDORF Either the unit leader himself or somebody designated by him.

    PROSECUTOR In what positions were the victims shot?

    OHLENDORF Standing or kneeling.

    PROSECUTOR NIKTCHENKO In your testimony you said that the Einsatz group had the object of annihilating the Jews and the commissars, is that correct?


    PROSECUTOR And in what category did you consider the children? For what reasons were the children massacred?

    OHLENDORF The order was that the Jewish population should be totally exterminated.

    PROSECUTOR Including the children?


    Benny Ferencz listens to the responses, baffled by Ohlendorf’s arrogance. “He told his men never to use infants for target practice nor smash their heads against a tree. He ordered his men to allow the mother to hold her infant to her breast and to aim for her heart. That would avoid screaming and would allow the shooter to kill both mother and infant with one bullet. It saved ammunition.

    “Ohlendorf said he refused to use the gas vans that were assigned to his companies. He found that when the mobile killing vehicles arrived at their destination, where they were supposed to dump their asphyxiated human cargo into a waiting ditch, some of the captives were still alive and had to be unloaded by hand. His troops had to dig out the vomit and excrement—and that was very hard on his men.”

    Most unforgettable among Ohlendorf’s offensive comments was that each murder was an act of self-defense.

    O'Reilly, Bill. Killing the SS The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History (Bill O'Reilly's Killing Series) ( Locations 487-520). Henry Holt and Co.. Edition.


    How thorough and how powerful is this work by O’Reilly? Because of him, I spent another $8.99 to get a book mention by him Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile.” Regardless of your political sentiment, you NEED to read Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing the SS.” Better yet, add the Audible edition to your library. I wish the publisher would make the book and its Audible edition available to middle schools across the country for the maximum possible impact of this historical work upon our youth.

    Five stars out of five.

    I am striving to produce reviews that help you find books that you want, or avoid books that you wish to avoid. With your help, my improvement will help you and me improve book reviews on . Together, you and I can build a great customer review process that helps everybody. Will you join me? It is people such as you who have helped me improve over the years. I'm still learning, and I have a great deal yet to learn. With your help, I'll improve every day.

    One request Be respectful and courteous in your comments and emails to me. I will do likewise with you.

    Thank you so much for indicating if this review helped you, or for your comment.
  • There have been over a thousand books written about the biggest stain on the human race… the Holocaust… the Nazi’s attempt at destroying the entire Jewish race… through their “Final Solution”. I have… and will continue to read different Holocaust stories and different survivor’s statements of fact…as I have for over half-a-century… almost endlessly… and do my best to pass on the horrors… to as many generations as I possibly can. So the most important Jewish mantra from my lifetime and beyond… “NEVER-AGAIN!” will forever and always… be a life sustaining pledge! Because of this personal dedication… I can wholeheartedly state that what is told in this book is not new… untold revelations. But what the author(s) have done so professionally… and intelligently… is the melding… of multiple major Nazi CRIMINAL war survivors… who fled the world’s authorities… and were eventually tracked down by self-proclaimed “Nazi-Hunters”… and the State of Israel… they are all tracked… followed… and discussed in this one book… where most books in the past… are not as all encompassing. Of course there is not as much individual detail in this one book as there are in previous individual books… on the less than animal excrement… with names like Eichmann… Mengele… Barbie… Bormann… and others.

    What O’Reilly and co-author Dugard… have done… is almost common sense… if you realize that O’Reilly used to be a teacher. I feel the way this book is laid out… is in a perfect format… for high school students (in addition of course to adults)… who may just be having their eyes opened as to the actual scale and depravity of the entire sick non-human Nazi deranged debauchery known as THE HOLOCAUST! It would be impossible to write an “any- age-version” expose’ of The Holocaust without some stomach turning examples… and for any full-fledged adult… they should be educated with no sick detail redacted… for the very good reason… that every person on earth should know… how vile it was… so “NEVER-AGAIN” would be the result. But this book has purposely restrained itself… I believe… for the greater goal… of making this book be able to target a younger entry level… to start a full education process at a younger age… a little easier.

    The author’s should be very proud of the way they were able to tell such an awful… must-be-told… story… in such an educational… and easy to read format.
More aboutRead Killing the SS Audible Audio Edition Bill O'Reilly Martin Dugard contributor Macmillan Audio Books

Read Online Körperschaftsteuerrecht / Gewerbesteuerrecht 9783423057868 Books

By Cherie Park

Read Online Körperschaftsteuerrecht / Gewerbesteuerrecht 9783423057868 Books

Download As PDF : Körperschaftsteuerrecht / Gewerbesteuerrecht 9783423057868 Books

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Read Online Körperschaftsteuerrecht / Gewerbesteuerrecht 9783423057868 Books


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  • Paperback
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3423057866

Read Körperschaftsteuerrecht / Gewerbesteuerrecht 9783423057868 Books

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Read Children of the Whales Vol 10 Abi Umeda Books

By Cherie Park

Read Children of the Whales Vol 10 Abi Umeda Books

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Download PDF Children of the Whales Vol 10 Abi Umeda Books

In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past.

In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.

The promised land of Amonlogia has turned out to be a nightmare for the people of the Mud Whale. Suou and the Unmarked are being held hostage, and in order to save them Ouni and Chakuro agree to become captive soldiers for the duke. A battle is inevitable as Orca’s forces draw ever closer, but the duke has a far darker mission in mind for Ouni—one that will rock the very foundations of Amonlogia!

Read Children of the Whales Vol 10 Abi Umeda Books


Product details

  • Series Children of the Whales (Book 10)
  • Paperback 200 pages
  • Publisher VIZ Media LLC (May 21, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 197470369X

Read Children of the Whales Vol 10 Abi Umeda Books

Tags : Children of the Whales, Vol. 10 (9781974703692) Abi Umeda Books,Abi Umeda,Children of the Whales, Vol. 10,VIZ Media LLC,197470369X,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / Manga / Dystopian,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / Manga / Fantasy,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / Manga / Media Tie-In,Comics Graphic Novels/Manga - Dystopian,Comics Graphic Novels/Manga - Fantasy,Fiction,GRAPHIC NOVELS,General Adult,Graphic novels Manga,children of the whales; children of whales; kujira no kora wa sajou ni utau; kujira; nous; chakuro; whale calves sing on the debris; mud whale; thymia; war; tezuka osamu cultural prize nominee; adventure; drama; fantasy; mystery; umeda abi; abi umeda; dystopia; post-apocalyptic; water world; magic powers; special abilities; violence; lost civilization; detailed art style; friendship; elaborate art; desert; island; survival; rikos; saimia; avatar; ouni; lykos; anime; manga

Children of the Whales Vol 10 Abi Umeda Books Reviews :

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Ebook Women Warriors An Unexpected History Audible Audio Edition Pamela D Toler Rosemary Benson Random House Audio Books

By Cherie Park

Ebook Women Warriors An Unexpected History Audible Audio Edition Pamela D Toler Rosemary Benson Random House Audio Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 9 hours and 48 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Random House Audio
  • Audible.com Release Date February 26, 2019
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B07N8C3WQ1

Women Warriors An Unexpected History Audible Audio Edition Pamela D Toler Rosemary Benson Random House Audio Books Reviews

  • I LOVED this book. I found it smart without being intimidating or cumbersome. I learned so much, but it was as if Pamela Toler was sitting across the table from me just entertaining me with stories. I only read a few each evening to make the book last longer and so I could have time to think about the stories, and sometimes I looked up the woman or the war or her tribe or country. Sometimes I read the footnotes to a particular story and sometimes I didn't, depending on how much connection I felt to the woman and her story. It's a rich feast and you don't have to feel that you have to "study" it or read it in a certain way. Just enjoy!
  • I don't usually give a review, but I couldn't let anyone hoping to learn about 'women warrior's to waste their money on this. The writing is so disjointed and fragmented it is difficult to know at times what she is even saying. The footnotes could make another book. The woman she lists are rarely mentioned. Don't bother.
  • This is a wonderful work of history, written to be accessible to a wide range of readers and packed with fascinating people you've probably never heard of but really should know.
  • I admit, when I ordered this book, I was just expecting a collection of easy to read biographies of "women warriors" like Joan of Arc. Something typically written for teenage/young girls to show them "You can do whatever you want to do!"

    This is not that book. (And it made me chuckle in the introduction when the author flat out states that most books about women warriors is a selection of biographies written for young girls and this is not that book.)

    Happily, it is a much more interesting and in depth book on women's history in war, battles, sieges, etc. through history. It is written as an academic text in a sociological, anthropological, women's studies vein, though it is very accessible to lay people. The book is divided into chapters about different aspects of women in war, women's role in war in relation to their families (either children or parents or husbands), women leading battles, woman manning the ramparts/holding the fort during a siege. After an introduction in the chapter about about the broader theme, Toler provides three case studies of women warriors that make her case. The cases are quite diverse both in historical eras, race, ethnicity, wealth, etc.

    I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked that it is written in a academic style, providing analysis on the general themes, examining the women's actions in relation to traditional gender roles at the time (and sometimes how men get caught up in these fights because the person on the other side is "just a woman"), in addition to providing interesting biographies on many fascinating and not terribly famous woman. She also discusses why these women aren't well known, often noting that history is often written by men and it is often shameful to lose to a woman. Of course there are other cases, where the woman becomes historically celebrated or a national heroine (Boudica, Joan of Arc, Artemisia) used as a symbol in later fights (often for independence from a colonial power.)

    One thing I really liked about this book is that Toler doesn't sugar coat the brutal actions some of the women take, from turning skulls into wine goblets or being willing to let the enemies kill their children (in one case, when the enemies threatened to kill her child if she didn't surrender, one woman pulled up her skirt and pointed and said she could always make more. Not quite the maternal snuggliness we expect from women.)

    One minor annoyance I had was the number of footnotes. There are tons of them and they are long and I found it disruptive to the prose to constantly be looking at the bottom of the page and reading something else. Of course on the bright side, I don't normally read footnotes, but Toler's were very interesting and occasionally humorous (she has a dry wit) so I always checked out the notes but then would have to jump back and try to re-find my place. I go back and forth wishing they were end notes (which I definitely wouldn't read) to wishing maybe she just scaled back on the number. It's just a personal preference, I guess.

    Overall, an interesting, well written, grown up book on women in combat/war. I gladly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about women warriors (and not just simplified biographies to boost girls' self-esteem.)
  • Do you look at the military in the United States and think about how many women are within the ranks? The fighters who patrol the areas at war and that new Seal Team recruit.? Are women fighting a new thing in our armed forces a new thing? "Not so", says historian Pamela Toler. Toler, whose new book, "Women Warriors An Unexpected History", is a look at women through history who have fought for their countries, both under-cover and in the open. Women have actually fought in battles at the sides of their husbands and sons and in defense of their cities under siege.

    Pamela Toler's book does not have to read all in one sitting. In fact, her individual chapters on women-in-history are best read on their own. She writes about women we all know about - Joan of Arc, for instance - and those lesser known women who fought in Asia and Africa. Her writing is lively, as befits someone with her own historical website can write to engage the reader. I also like the fact that the footnotes are in the text, as opposed to being at the end of the book.

    Will "Women Warriors" appeal to the average reader? I think so; Toler seems to write "popular history" with a flair, making the history given an easy accessibility not often found in more scholarly works. And if you're looking for a good work of fiction about women at war, pick up Rita Mae Brown's delightful novel, "High Hearts" about a woman who disguises herself as a man to fight aside her husband in the Civil War.
More aboutEbook Women Warriors An Unexpected History Audible Audio Edition Pamela D Toler Rosemary Benson Random House Audio Books

PDF Infinite Powers How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe Steven Strogatz 9781328879981 Books

By Cherie Park

PDF Infinite Powers How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe Steven Strogatz 9781328879981 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 384 pages
  • Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (April 2, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1328879984

Infinite Powers How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe Steven Strogatz 9781328879981 Books Reviews

  • First off, this book is not a textbook. You won't be reading it and doing homework or taking tests or solving equations and checking the back of the book to see if you got them right - thank goodness! This is a book that makes it possible for anyone (well, maybe not ANYONE, but anyone who is interested enough to try) to understand what Calculus is and the basics of how it works and why...

    But why would you want to do that? Well, as the author asserts in the beginning of the book, Calculus is the language of God. Perhaps even more interestingly, he says that Calculus is the operating system or computer language that animates EVERYTHING from moment to moment and place to place.

    So consider this; if you've EVER thought that maybe we are in a simulation - a virtual reality - then Calculus is the game engine code that our universe uses to draw the world we are playing the game in right now.

    If you can imagine God as a computer game coder, and he set out to create a game called "Humanity" or "Life in the Universe As We Know It" - then instead of sitting down with UnReal Engine or Unity or Java or C++, he chose Calculus. Calculus is the language he programmed the Universe with and the more we understand the code, the more we understand the Universe.

    That's kind of fascinating if you think about it - AND it is coexists with the Bible just fine. The Bible doesn't tell us the details of how God created the Universe or what he used to create it - The Bible just says he did it. Calculus is the "language" or a way for us to be able to tell what it is going to do next. My son and I have intense conversations about things like this - and this book makes them far more interesting.

    I took Calculus in college several decades ago. I was a C student. I also took Differential Equations, and did much better. I felt like Calculus was the tools and D.E. was using the tools to do things. This book explains the tools and it is fascinating. I recommend it for anyone who is even a little curious about how our universe works, or also anyone who appreciates the artistic beauty of the order in our universe. Calculus is fascinating and even exciting if it is explained by the right person, and with Infinite Powers How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe, Steven Strogatz is the right person to do it. I highly recommend this book if you are even slightly interested in how the universe and the world around you works.

    I hope this is a helpful review. If there is anything more you would like to know, please ask. I try to check my reviews for comments and respond to them right away. I think it is important for fellow shoppers on to look out for one another by letting each other know if a product is good, or if it is a stinker. I take this very seriously and try to be helpful. Thank you!
  • When I was in college I majored in mathematics, and calculus wasn’t as big a challenge to me as it is for others (statistics, however, is another matter entirely). Calculus was the backbone of my major and it was foundational when it came to most of the other courses I took, and this included advanced algebra and more abstract mathematics. Now, that said, in many cases I understood the “how” but not the “why”. In a few cases, I saw some parallels with algebra and how calculus could short-cut certain processes (sort of) to arrive at the same result, but even so, the subject remained a black art even though it was clear [to me] what to do.

    What this book does is explain some of the why. It’s not a dry, dull read that throws theorems and formulas at you with brief explanations. Instead, there are real-world examples that show why calculus is the means to the end. Instead of gagging you with straight theory and practice like a class textbook, it brings calculus down to a level that makes it much more interesting and, in a tangible way, fun. Now, it does not offer comprehensive coverage, of course; my calculus textbook from college is a full 1,000 pages and covers a lot of more obscure stuff that this book doesn’t mention, but that’s not this book’s intention. The idea here is to give a more high-level coverage with application.

    I sure wish I had this book when I was struggling with the subject; knowing the “why” makes the “how” a lot easier to work through.

    I’m still working my way through this book, but so far it has been very enjoyable and thought provoking. What I have read so far has made the subject of calculus a lot more interesting, even though I already have a handle on the mechanics of it. If you have struggled with calculus, this book is a way to build more understanding and appreciation. If you’re more curious and just want to know what it’s about, it’s a good starting point.
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Download Reference Skills for the School Librarian Tools and Tips 4th Edition Ann Marlow Riedling PhD Cynthia Houston 9781440867095 Books

By Cherie Park

Download Reference Skills for the School Librarian Tools and Tips 4th Edition Ann Marlow Riedling PhD Cynthia Houston 9781440867095 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 140 pages
  • Publisher Libraries Unlimited; 4 edition (September 30, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1440867097

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Ebook We Are Displaced My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World Audible Audio Edition Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai prologue Neela Vaswani Deepti Gupta Hachette Audio Books

By Cherie Park

Ebook We Are Displaced My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World Audible Audio Edition Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai prologue Neela Vaswani Deepti Gupta Hachette Audio Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 4 hours and 1 minute
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Hachette Audio
  • Audible.com Release Date January 8, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

We Are Displaced My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World Audible Audio Edition Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai prologue Neela Vaswani Deepti Gupta Hachette Audio Books Reviews

  • My wish is that this book is read by people who can't see that there is a human being behind each displaced person. That there is a story behind every life. That we all want the same thing, a life worth living.
  • We Are Displaced tells the story of Malala and her family becoming internally displaced and then living in England after she was shot as well as the stories of several other women and girls who have been displaced as well. The stories are told in their own words with their own emotions. Some are still living in refugee camps, some are working hard to make a new life in a new country. One didn’t even learn why her parents fled when she was young and one “adopted” a refugee family when they arrived in America. These are all important stories to know. As I read the book, I found myself reading bits and pieces to anyone who would listen. I very highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone.
  • My 8 yr-old daughter and I learned a lot from listening to these inspiring survival stories from women from around the globe. It is hard to imagine loosing everything including loved ones. How these girls managed to overcome their losses and ordeals are life lessons that no one should ever experience. Very relevant in the unstable world we currently live in to raise awareness on the lives of the refugees we might have around us and on our own vulnerabilities.
  • What a marvelous and heartbreaking story about displaced families and refugees all over the world. We need to take note about not only the hatred they experienced in their own countries, but also the racism and hatred they continue to experience in their new lands.
  • The best book that I have ever read
  • Beautifully painful. I wish everyone in the world who doesn’t understand the horrors of other countries would read this to have their eyes opened to the realities. Refugees need more love and more help and support.

    I pray every day that our world can be full of humble, kind, understanding, and loving people. It pains me to see so much hurt, hatred, and evil in the world.

    Thank you Malala for bringing these stories to the public.
  • THIS IS a very informative book. This young woman has endured so much. The story of her life evokes emotion of empathy and gratitude to live in a country, although not perfect, but where girls may attend school.
    This is a must read for any one who wants to know what it is like to be a young refugee.
    So many of us take our freedoms for granted and have no idea why families flee the countries of their birth.
  • It was Interesting to know more details about her life but I was a little disappointed it didn’t going to detail more about where she was going the day that she was attacked or interesting to know more details about her life but I was a little disappointed it didn’t go into detail more about when she was attacked ..
More aboutEbook We Are Displaced My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World Audible Audio Edition Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai prologue Neela Vaswani Deepti Gupta Hachette Audio Books